Very cool level. Really enjoyed the path here, including the cute little 2-off that I got caught in at the end. Very nice.
Very fun. My first attempt was 14-off, and then I noticed an order change to cut those steps off. Seemingly I totally avoided the 2-off mentioned by others, which is nice.
Pretty fun - final path wasn’t as complex as I was expecting it to be, but still nice to work out. Not a bad level.
The right side did distract me for a little bit at first, and there was another somewhat alluring false path. So not too bad, but I’m generally not the biggest fan of pathfinding levels like this.
Cute idea. I like the path here.
I feel like there was a lot of potential for a cool setup with how the level looked initially, but the final solution fell a little flat compared to what I was expecting. It’s not bad, but it could use some improvements IMO.
Pretty nice solution here. Was 20+ off for a while, before I found it. Interestingly it feels like no other path really even comes close to the true solution.
Not very tough, but the aesthetic and symmetry is nice. Final solution isn't too bad.
Once again, I just can't seem to see what more you can do on this vs. on Guide 2.5. But fortunately for me, the solution for 2.5 works just as well here. :) Fun level.
Really cool solution. I had found a 2-off a while ago, but couldn't reconstruct it quickly today. I saw an idea that interested me, poked at it a bit, and found that it led to the right answer. Very nice level.
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