I had the right idea on my first attempt, but missed an obvious feature of the level that caused me to be 2-off. After exhausting other options I realized what I had missed, and found the solution. Taught me to look closely at the levels I do.
This is one of those solutions that makes so much sense once you see it, but it took me forever to get past the 4- and 6-offs to figure it out. Very neat though.
Some cute optimizations to be had in the sections, but it feels a little haphazard.
Very cute - saw the right idea but still got caught in a goofy 2-off on my first attempt, which wasn’t so bad to fix. Fun level though.
I feel like there’s a few places here you could potentially lose a few moves, but I somehow managed to avoid them. Cute level, I enjoyed it.
Started going down one path that very quickly seemed implausible. Looked around for another, and found the right one pretty quick. I feel like there could’ve been a lot more potential close paths here, but as is most of the level doesn’t feel well-utilized.
Nice, cute level. I feel like there's a few unnecessary components here, but on the whole it's nice. I enjoy the logic and the final path. :)
Cute level, but not particularly refined.
Cute one - I like the logic that gets you to the optimal path, but I wish the other false paths were slightly more compelling.
Nice one. Some tricky movement in that bottom section, I like the solution.
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