a year ago
CIA Rave
I enjoyed solving it, but I agree with Alazeh: it's not difficult. I wonder if there are maybe several solutions?
a year ago
Sorry, was no fun to me. Was just glad it was over. Am a bit tired of such triple locks combo that require back and forth in a certain order... My bad.
After noticing the different ways to loop around, to find the right combo loop selection/ordering needs a bit of luck. 3 tries for me and very glad as I'm not good at that type of levels.
a year ago
For now, I don't even start to push as I don't see the solution to the puzzle. Can of course bring block below/above hole left side of each target, but I can't see how to manage free room to go up or down those blocks to erase the hole... crazy... LOL
Awesome Awesome
(12 years ago) Sweet ! 7 tries for me. ************************************** EDIT 2022, 31 Dec. Bringing stars. Forgot to ''random click'' that, when I rebeat it. :)
(15 years ago) this level kept me 2-off constantly for some time, even made me changed to another path before I got the correct one (4 stars) ----- (31-12-2022) after 15 years I still took much time to see it again. (5 stars)
What? Why on earth is that faster than the myriad of 2 offs? The egregious filler aside, the final path is excellent.
Surprisingly cool. Didn't take me very long to find the exit, but 10 attempts to optimize. Was bamboozled for a bit!
a year ago
One more that frustrates me because am not able to tell why the last route I tried saved 2 steps...
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