A surprisingly simple solution to a puzzling two and four off.
Really nice puzzle! I had to give it many tries to get 234 (was mostly at 240 and 238), then got a two off, then another. Only after all that did I try something that I expected to be longer, but proved to be shorter). :)
I don't know if 236 is unique, but it is a subtle and elegant cut if that is the case. Great level!
AMAZINGLY MAGNIFICENT! Congrats to everybody who took part in creating. I'm embarrisingly far off, but the mere exit touch (1742) was a very satisfying thing. Will keep looking! EDIT: OK, 1492, second touch. EDIT2: After many more tries I landed at 1366. NO clue, where the rest 64 steps are. BUt I won't give up. :) EDIT3: 10 hours in and I'm now at 1298. Dry of ideas, too. Will be back, nevertheless. :)
This level is already amazing, but it being a quilt project makes it much more interesting. Even touching the exit was tricky and really fun. Great job quilters!
Look at us. Hey, look at us. Huh? Who woulda thought? Not me!
It's a DUNGE not a DUNGEON
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