11 months ago
Stow 6
I liked this a lot. :) It was interesting to figure how to do it (I had some minor problems with optimizing, too, but that was quickly solved. :)) )
Excellent solution. Took me much time to find the idea, and then optimize it.
I have only one question: why in the *hell* is that faster? Really cool level though. Stared at this for a while trying to even figure out how to keep the important blocks alive. Got the 195 pretty quickly after that, and then the 191 was tough to see. Quite a neat path.
Wow, this one stumped me for quite some time. There's an insane number of 2-offs and 4-offs here, and it's not entirely clear to me why the correct route is actually faster. Interesting level.
Nice route
Wow, really interesting, how this one works and how the other one works. A great pair of levels! :)
Really a good one!
This is much cooler then the other one!
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