a year ago
Clever one! Was lucky to spot how to do it before to start, so it was a smooth and rapid winning. :D
a year ago
Waaaa, what a puzzle! It took me a bit over half an hour to open things up and come through (and get it down to 320). Now, for the last two moves ... currently no idea where they could be. :) EDIT (3 minutes later): Oh, but of course. Why didn't I see it in my previous try!? Really enjoyable level that seemed unsolvable to me, from the start. :))) EDIT (2 days later): With Flash's 2 cut (to 316) this became a genious level, IMO.
a year ago
Cool structure.
a year ago
a year ago
That one was very hard to me. I was 2 off for ages. After a long break, I came back to it today and "saw" that there is a way to move a certain block, that I didn't try up to now. After some tries, I won.... So, there is really one basic thing to never forget: Make sure to try all what is possible. For this level, I had forgotten... :D
a year ago
So many 2 offs
Woooow, the 89 solution is just great.! :)
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