Fun one to start the GM* clears going. Not too much trouble, but beautifully constructed
3 months ago
Setaki System
Ton of fun. Was feeling very lost until I found ************************************************************** After that just had to ********************************************************************. Great level!
Tough. Takes a lot of playing around and deconstructing to understand how to do it.
These level must be generated from the drunk dwarves on Runescape
3 months ago
Inject Tazema
Super precise. Dreaded this one for awhile but it actually ended up being one of my favorite profs
This was tough for me. Found *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
As always really fun construction. Will finish later. Edit: That 168 is absurd. Why you would even look for that after beating at 176 is beyond me
3 months ago
To iydkgs
Cool solution, but once you realize ******************************************************************************************
This one gave me a lot of trouble. Had to go back and beat the OG to help me see the last couple of 2 cuts. Hardest PP1 prof for me
3 months ago
Zerg Rush!!
Finding out ******************************** was a lot of fun. Looking forward to cutting it down Edit: ***********************************************************************************************************************************************************. Excellent PP1. One of my favorite PP1 Profs so far