Only one exit possible and it's also rapidly clear what is the only way to go. Still, I had fun solving it and one "trick" is probably not obvious to all, as people will tend to focus on one "quarter" only... ;-)
2 years ago
Roy Ksopp
I'm so happy I was able to solve this one. Two weeks ago, when I saw it, I left it untouched... And now I got it... No matter what, 5 stars LOL More seriously, I find it a good level to teach beginner how to find a block to unlock a broken row of holes. The board should just be reduced in size of my opinion because all this black and grey for nothing...
For now, am just so happy to won hole boards that I give 5 stars to all :D
It's interesting but a bit too obvious, because more or less, only one path doesn't lead into a dead end, what gives the solution quite fast. Maybe a re-arrangement could allow for several plausible routes leading 2 or 4 off?
2 years ago
Like another one I did right before, a bit too obvious, but good for beginners to getting used thinking first before pushing.
2 years ago
2 years ago
This is near perfect for a ''very beginner'' hole level, to help people not fear holes too much.
2 years ago
Thank you for that level! Usually, when I see such a "holes board", I don't even give it a try because I don't like it. In that case, fortunately, I could draw the route just by watching and gave it a try, and that was correct route. Maybe now I will feel a bit more motivated to start with others.
2 years ago