9 months ago
Jumping Kick
I was 2 steps from the jumping person, for a while. :))
Very tightly designed and fun. I definitely see the flying kick too :P
the 204 was one very careful try. Nothing too tricky here! Give it a go!
Not sure why THAT saved 2 moves. Hm ... Need to look at it again.
With the 204, this is a a great level! Each part of the structure is meaningful in its own way, and the potential optimizations are realized in great ways - all without losing the original core route. I would say this is fairly approachable too, despite its looks; the route is tight and it becomes clear through prodding what you must do.
Nice level. The 4-off route is pretty close to the correct one, but different in a few key ways. The final solution makes a lot of sense here.