10 months ago
Didn't even have the time to notice, it wasn't trimmed. ;) :))
10 months ago
omnis only
The middle left and lower left are underutilized, and the top right is somewhat interesting but could be developed more. I agree with david that the mechanism in the top middle/top left is definitely something you should play with more. Very cool.
It's fun, but I would say some of the areas get underutilized and the player can kind of charge straight through. Top/top left is the best part I think, some fun decisions to make there. Good first effort!
Huh, really funky solution. Definitely somewhat Brian-like in style, though the solution is pretty unique in such levels. Very unexpected, but surprisingly a little neat.
10 months ago
failed brian
The 55 I found was very unintuitive. I enjoyed the level and think it's better than it's getting credit for.
still a decent level, the 55 is not obvious to me
It's a shame there are so many 55s and no interesting ways to pipe
Fooled me. Nice one
booo marines edit- can't give you more than 3 star for that.