17 years ago
Obstacle 2
Aw man, how did I miss that? Anyway, should be fixed, thanks Niels (and also thanks ybbun for doing earlier testing).
17 years ago
Hopefully fixed now.
17 years ago
15x15 One
Oops. Edit: finally beat it, incredibly complex and involving level!
17 years ago
You can get 94 going either way first. However, the 92 route is pretty good. Could be game-worthy now, although theres a lot of wasted space.
17 years ago
Huge mess
Wow, how did that save two moves? Sneaky.
17 years ago
5.1 Seconds
MEGA MINI LEVEL COMPETITION submission. Thanks to duke for spotting a hole.
17 years ago
I have no idea what you did to get 77! All the other options i can find seem to lead to 79. Anyway, my route follows what seems to be the intended path using the trick from Illusionist, so you're probably not far off.
17 years ago
This level rocks. Did you know there's 2 ways to do the end section?
I was seriously misled. I should really have done the first level before this one.
Great level, a joy to play. Psychopath should have more like this
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