

Ranked Solves: 15 🏅
Levels Solved: 215
Levels Completed: 215
Last Seen: 11 months ago
Registered: a year ago


a year ago
Hey there, saw that you have been progressing through and was curious how did you hear about the game?
a year ago
Hey man! I started psychopath back in 06. I remember being on the forums and playing/discussing the original 52 levels and then some more were added up to 71 that were too hard for me at the time haha. Wanted some nostalgia recently so I searched for it and seen that it is now called pathology. Beat all the OG levels now and trying the master ones, they are pretty hard but still fun to play after all these years.
a year ago
Oh wow that's awesome. You should drop by the discord and say hello (a lot of the original players are there). What was your username on the old forums?
a year ago
I was actually curious so I checked the wayback machine and yup, same as it is here. I think I remember having a different handle before this one actually now that I think about it but I couldn't for the life of me remember what is was. I guess I made a new account because I couldn't remember my login or there was a new forum I think. It's been so long lol. And yeah, I joined the discord and was talking to davidspencer about a level that I was stuck on.