Wow, what an insane level. Was stuck for 3 months, but FINALLY found the 308. I really think I have tried literally everything you possibly can on this level and of course as usual, the last thing I could think to fool around with turned out to be the thing that makes the 308 happen. There are so many paths, tricks, misdirections, "shortcuts" that hinder, "longcuts" that assist... This really is the pinnacle of PP1 levels IMO.
Wow what a path. I fiddled around with the idea a lot espeically in neutron but it just never worked for me. I'm not sure what I did differently this time but whatever it was it got me the steps this time. I'm amazed you can get such a different level from an exact copy with just 1 block changed. Amazing level.
I found for me what makes this level so hard is the "decoy" 2 off path is so good and filled with little tricks to make it shorter that make you think it's the correct path just slightly un-optimized, while the "janky" path that I was 4 off on that I assumed was the real decoy turned out to be the correct path. Hope this helps with neutrino, the last accelerator I am stuck on.
10 months ago
Wow, such a sneaky 2 step save. Honestly, I actually only found it because my finger slipped and pressed a different arrow key by mistake revealing a path that for some reason was completely blind to me even after looking sooo hard to find it. I'd probably still be stuck if I didn't do that! Awesome level.
Relieved this one is done, finally. The reason it took so long for me to get it (been stuck for well over a week) was because the 2 off path I was so very attached to seemed way to perfect to deviate from. And when I did, I ended up just turning it into a 4/6/8+ off path... When I finally saw the correct path, I was a bit confused because I swore I already tried it and it didn't work. But turns out what I tried was something VERY similar, but it didn't save moves so I went on to try other things, oof... Even now comparing my 2 off path and the correct one, it still feels like the 2 off path is shorter haha.
Wow... I honestly don't really understand how that path is shorter still... Probably the reason this level took me so long LOL. Definitely a contender for "Most disguised 2 step cut" award, IMO.
Got this in about 30mins. By far the easiest accelerator for me, which is strange because this used to be SGM and I assumed was the hardest of the Accelerators. Still 2 off on Neutron and Electron, and 6 off on Neutrino and all out of ideas on those.
Very surprised how fast I solved this considering how tripped up I was with the wrong path. All it took was one nudge to see something different and make a completely new path that didn't need optimization at all. Very cool level
10 months ago
Lying eyes
This level is evil and I love it. I fell hook line and sinker into the whole theme of your eyes deceiving you with this level, quite literally. My eyes briefly made me see an actual way to improve my incorrect 2 off path but in the end I think it was just what I wanted to see and I somehow made it happen, but altered the state of the grid elsewhere that I didn't notice, so a lot of time was wasted on trying something that was impossible, but my eyes said it was possible I guess only due to my desire for it to be true. Very PsyOp type of level for me.
10 months ago
Smashing In
Getting trickier for sure.
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