a month ago
At first 76 (or more) was all I could see.
2 months ago
Open Here
I finally got it. I guess I suck at pipelining.
2 months ago
this moved me to tears
3 months ago
Open Here
Incredibly fresh and interesting level!
4 months ago
Open Here
Nothing to be proud of in my case... Was close, trying several alternatives, and suddenly one worked. Lucky me. :D
4 months ago
At first I couldn't even see how to break through. Now I have (two) 162 solution(s). Need to cut 4 more, but ran out of ideas. I recommend this for the next ''rated'' addition.
4 months ago
For sspenst
Took me ages because for some unknown reason my brain really wanted to spin the wrong way
5 months ago
I was stuck at the 90+ route for awhile and then the actual route clicked! Cool level.