Three attempts so far, best at 37. For that I'd up the difficulty to 2.
2 years ago
2 years ago
Straightforward when looking back(wards)
2 years ago
Once you understand which floors to visit, it is easy. But to understand which floors to visit one can end up with two nice 2-offs
Very good beginner level. I can imagine many first timers needing 2 tries on this.
2 years ago
This is it
The correct path is too obscured by the many other possible paths. It's also missing a 19; either in the step count or as blocks; you can't say hi without 19 glued to it in the universe of Pathology
Solved by the power of screenshot and image zoom
The first level that I can't get within my first 2 carefully planned attempts. I recall it giving me a few nights of fun all those years ago as well! Wonderful!
40 of 40