10 months ago
kjs722 #3
10 months ago
10 months ago
Can’t find the 105 that apparently exists on the right side yet, but I intend to come back and try again. The 105 on the left is quite nice - for a while on my first go I couldn’t even see the way to the exit, but when I finally found it it was immediately the 105. Edit: I did eventually find the 105 on the right. That's a very subtle solution, really cool. Might have been a little nicer as two puzzles, or to have made the 105 impossible on the right.
10 months ago
Having played this level when I was starting out, and coming back to this level after over two months, I can really feel my growth as a player. I used to be stuck 2-off on both sides, but now I was able to figure out which was looser and quickly find the solution. It's a nice construction, it makes great use of joining the separate sides together in a single level, and I don't think either side would work as well if they were separate levels.
10 months ago
The best possible 5x5 construction you will ever see. The construction is just genius. The 2-off is very very annoying.
10 months ago
Very fun level. Got a 2-off a while ago, came back and found the cut. Wasn't as hard to break the 2-off as I expected.
10 months ago
I beat this first try and don't feel like I can rate it fairly.
10 months ago
Ah. Beautiful. I found this one surprisingly counterintuitive to clear. Almost appears simplistic at first; beautiful how there are very few active blocks but a very complex solution and many deadlocks.
10 months ago
There's a beautiful structure in here, and it's not even hidden, you just need to realize the right perspective.
10 months ago
I appreciate that these levels have such tight logic that they actually become easier to think about - they tap into the logic of Pathology that's independent of optimization in brilliant ways, which is quite special.