haha what the hell... 85 tries for such a tiny level... This is my solved level with most attempts. Thanks God this is finally in medium world lol
15 years ago
hmmm what? Got it on first try? Not too amusing to me.
15 years ago
Picking Shell
Oh It's my own level from almost 2 years ago, and it's an official level now? Nice =) I completely forgot the solution though lol
15 years ago
Suddenly I saw "it" then I know I've solved this... You hid "it" perfectly...
17 years ago
Great looking, mind struggling. I am so sick of being 2 steps away though :
17 years ago
Two Ton Sloth
Oh my GOD. This is NOT a 2 >_<
Nice. Small levels always hold a place in my heart. A bit overrated though.
17 years ago
Hole Shot
Not that hard, should be a 2 =p Still, nicely designed level.
This level stuck me so badly I don\'t even know why T_T I can beat some medium pretty easily but not this T_T