I was 2 off for a long while, but I finally got it while toying around thoughtlessly.This was a fun puzzle to work out. I really enjoyed the progression.
A great test for a bunch of classic techniques and structures!
Yes, as with Hi, one try. The construction is fine here but the gimmick (misleading) is poorly executed and extremely obvious. On top of that there are 0 optimizations. Overall a very average pp1.
I was misled for exactly one try... the paths definitely could have been balanced better.
Heh. 15 years later, one shot this one. It's a classic but a strict logic game; there are no real tricks, just mistakes. Think cleanly here.
This is still an amazing level! Many possible combinations and orders can make one wonder, where to start and what to do next for quite some time. Was great fun to re-beat it. :)
Thanks lovedky.
lovedky truly made the chicken soups of lock levels. Nothing is going to be super crazy, but they're comforting to play through. This one in particular is a great example of that.
Amazing level. Took me 8 tries to re-beat it, as I was doing something completely unnecessary. It seems we no longer have these kind of levels, where you're tricked into performing useless actions that in the end don't reduce the step count.
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