To be fair... I said thanks for not making me do a certain thing on meromorphic, and then it spawned the certain thing i was thankful I didnt have to do in the previous one.
Lesson learned Don't talk about cursed levels around Reach or Meowlong
I don't know what will happen to this level, it might get another record, but it does not matter. I find it a GREAT level, indeed. At first, I ran out of tacos, LOL. Then I figured, how to get the last one, but was 52 off. Then I slowly came closer and closer, got a bit stuck at 8 off, and later at 2 off (I found many small variations, but all ended up 2 off). Was about to give up (for today), but changed my mind. In the 19th attempt I discovered how to save the last two, to get 516. A happy feeling after so much searching. :))
The last two cut is tricky as hell! ;) :)))