(13 years ago) Good level, a sweet 2 off, too ... 9 tries. :) ************** EDIT 2022, 7th Nov., - re-beaten. As yokosooo put it: many optimisations needed, samo smaller, some bigger, too. :)) Great level! Enjoyed! :))
a year ago
(11 years ago) 2 off, on two different paths (or better: different orders). Huh ... Hope I'll solve before getting a headache. ;) Edit: Finally. 76 tries, for me. ****************************************** EDIT 2022, 5th Nov., rebeaten. This time 10 tries. Wanted to add it's a really beautiful structure, that offers soooo many opportunities. Enjoyed solving, a looooot! :)
Nice path by Nielssss. My first try was 100+ off and I found it hilarious. I don't know if it was intended or not, but actually this one is quite an interesting level!
I agreed with Devildude haha. Though I needed more tries.
Many little cuts out there.
a year ago
Fun hidden structures. I actually got this first try, which makes me happy :)
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