Wow, how is Hem's review possible? The touch took 2 minutes and there is no way there is a 173. Edit (Also March 25): I'm 2 off
Cool storage-unstorage and complex win-condition dependencies, this one's a real beast, but it fights fair and is satisfying to finally take down. Edit: Reach kept me 2-off for quite a while, but I'm glad to be able to come back to this and enjoy it all over again. Phenomenal level.
a month ago
Bubble Up
Very cute. Touch and solve felt like they took about the same amount of effort, but the manipulation here is nice and the final path is very good.
a month ago
Plus One
Wow. Surprisingly tough to touch, and optimizing was surprisingly not that frustrating.
2 months ago
Lil' Hill
thank you so much for rescuing this level from oblivion, qqwref. i guess sspenst decided lily's contributions to mankind weren't sufficient to be featured in the game. but fear not, I'm sure she'll duplicate her efforts pretty soon and will become absolutely legendary in no time! i wish you a happy new year, and hope to see more of your excellent levels soon!
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