~15 tries. It's not super hard, but it's very easy to lose moves doing silly things and the concept is just cool as hell. This level holds up in terms of fun and uniqueness over the years imo.
Got it! Had a 2 off, however simple. My main problem was breaking through at very beginning. It even demotivated me from working out the board. Once I achieved to start, it was fast. Did love it.
I am another one who had a 2-off. That mistake is really so silly ^u^, otherwise will be able to finish this level much earlier. This level is really a perfect construction.
I liked that one very much. I went from 7 off to winning. I was loosing steps stupidely, close after beginning, because opening a lock that was no lock at all... Typical I would say! LOL
Fun! But I didn't really see any tricks, just a couple of minor optimizations. That's OK though, it's interesting when the challenge comes from figuring out how you even get to the end!
I am very sure that I've already solved this level, lately, in some other (private) world. It's a great level! 79 tries for me, here. And had a 2 off, too, but it was a really silly ''going around something''. :)
Wow, this is one GREAT level. Took me a looooong time to come even ''near'' (which was 16 off). Then in 117 try I came 2 off and the next try I got it! :)