Amazing. I can't find that 2-steps even if I'm on the right path. Well, I hope that I'm on the right one... EDIT: Got it. It wasn't that error you're all thinking about.
Very nice path, didn't expect that was possible. The 2-off was very well hidden and can be difficult. This level really made me think a lot as I really had no idea after many many tries.
Returning to this level again, finally got the 2-off by trying different orders of dealing with the restricted blocks after spending some time. Good pipelining and well-concealed way of solving the level.
Im ashamed to say i beat it after 141 attempts I found the correct path around 20 tries it is very clever and well hidden While figuring out the best route for this path my brain had a mental block and i just couldnt solve it. Man it was satifisying once i solved it
Very Challenging and Well Made