(11 years ago) Very interesting! 2 quite different 2 offs, one ''even more different more-off'' ;) and not much ideas left. Huh *-* Edit: 5 minutes later, solved! 147 tries. VERY GOOD level ! :))
EDIT 2023, 4th July: this time around I had two different 10 offs and managed to optimize one of them to 157. Love this level!
(11 years ago) Wow, I loved this one, too! :) TOOK ME A LONG TIME TO FIGURE how TO BREAK THROUGH. Then was about 10 short, then 8, and finally I saw, how stupid I was thinking all the time before, about the order in a certain lock ... heheheh. 40 for me. :D Universe finished! :)
EDIT 2023, 3rd Juy: re-beaten. There is this EVIL two off. Not sure if anybody encountered it (including me, in the past). I sure did encounter it, this time and it caused me a few grey hairs. ;)