

Ranked Solves: 0 🏅
Levels Solved: 41
Levels Completed: 41
Last Seen: 2 years ago
Registered: 2 years ago


2 years ago
hey teal, welcome. hope you are enjoying the game. curious - how did you hear about it?
2 years ago
Hi k2xl, thank you! I saw it mentioned in a comment on Hacker News!
2 years ago
Oh cool, that was me. Thanks for trying the game out. Feel free to share any feedback as you play!
2 years ago
Ha, awesome. First thought, unsurprisingly, this is pretty addictive. Second thought, I wonder if I could guess whether people are on the autism spectrum by which levels they comment on and what, because many levels that appeared very obvious to me had several "this was hard" comments and vice versa :D