

Discord: tealknight | Australia | Winter Theme Enjoyer

Ranked Solves: 151 🏅
Levels Solved: 912
Levels Completed: 986
Last Seen: a month ago
Registered: 2 years ago


a year ago
You're making quick work of a lot of tricky levels, impressive stuff 👀
a year ago
I'm on a goal: 100+ levels for each difficulty starting from Bachelors. That's why I'm going through the PhD levels real quick.
a year ago
Nice! Best of luck on the Professor+ levels
a year ago
Thanks! PhD doesn't seem too hard, so I should at least be able to do Professor.
a year ago
Welcome, TealKNight. Just wanted you to know that I love reading your comments. I hope you'll join Discord, too.
a year ago
Thank you! I'll hear any further questions or comments that come to mind, if any!
a year ago
Teal Knight#8286
a year ago
I saw your comment on Palm's Whiplash level, asking if 133 can be forced. In my opininon the answer is yes. It can be forced, if the key block for 131 is changed (so that it is turned in the opposite direction). :) Then the 131 is impossible, but the 133 still works. :)
2 years ago
Hey there, see you have been climbing the ranks. How did you hear about the game?
2 years ago
I heard about mental block from cosmovibe. After beating it in a few days or less, I was introduced to pathology. I binge played it all the way to doing a few professor levels, but I burnt out and left it alone for a few months. I got reminded by it through another user: Patashu. I'm back going over the newly updated campaign.
2 years ago
Awesome! Thx for sharing. Please feel free to stop by our discord to say hello!
2 years ago
Thanks! Feel free to send me a message anytime.