This is an excellent puzzle. For so few blocks, a short path and a small level, the variety of different 2+offs are immense and worthy of being a GM... Ignore the fact that I seemingly demoted it to prof.
You're welcome. I only tried it a bit, so I'm not sure if this is optimal.
SSBM: A NEW RECORD Edit: Did it again. The story behind this one is that Zoink claimed that I told him about Pathology, while I do not know a Zoink. I suspected impersonation, so I thought... What is the puzzle that would best identity-test me?.. My Precious of course! So I went to make sure I could re-solve it. But then... this happened. Edit2: Matched Palm's new record.
Patashu said: "I don't know if you have the skill set for this." A few minutes later, he watched me solve it. Lovely little puzzle! This is just something I'm doing out of the blue though, I'm not sure if I consider myself "truly back" yet.
What a nice holy level you have there. It would be a shame if someone Tealknighted it in about 8 minutes actually... Demoted from professor to PhD. Nice tricks.
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