The name of the level was the key for me. ********************************************************************************************************* Really a funny one.
hehehe! Enjoyable little puzzle.
a day ago
Level 2
Kept me busy for a while LOL
2 days ago
Yeah! I so love solving puzzles. That was a good one.
oh no... why that long? Am definitely too lazy for such level. If I didn't reach it on first try, will never return. I prefer not to start it LOL **some time later** I had to wait for arrival of a friend, with not enough time to start something big, so I thought I will give it a go and got it on first try. Glad it's behind me. :)
hehehe... I was 2 off for a while, but thankfully, it was only a matter of *******************************************************
4 days ago
Again on first try... It must be my day! Or should I be scared? LOL
I would give more than 5 stars if I could, because I got it on first try, what very rarely happens to me, and never at a holes board. LOL
4 days ago
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