15 years ago
hated every moment of it x) 15 tries for a 24 step level, that's embarrassing :$
Big steaming pile of cracked it :P That level was absolutely ingenious, took me quite a long time to get that, but i was determined to do it. Ridiculous two move off trick
17 years ago
i loved this level and hated it at the same time. simple yet impossible to spot at first glance. brilliant ^.^
17 years ago
excellent solution :P but... why are the arrows pointing upwards again? ;)
17 years ago
damn, cant believe i didn\'t see that >.< good little level, despite being really short
I preferred my version tbh, it was much simpler, and I actually hold a record on it. This is like the harder version of my first level with extra tricks involved, but if you fancy a beginners version, by all means, just go to Toners World and go to Finishing Line. Come on, its like a free 2 points
this is an absolutely class level. i got stuck on it for so long on 2 moves short (as always :@) and everyone really should play this level. It is easily my favourite level, despite almost driving me to insanity :P