10 years ago
Fun level with good tricks! 13 tries.
10 years ago
Fun! But I didn't really see any tricks, just a couple of minor optimizations. That's OK though, it's interesting when the challenge comes from figuring out how you even get to the end!
10 years ago
Wasted Years
Fun level with a couple of interesting tricks.
10 years ago
Very well designed level with good cuts. I was 2 moves short and saved them in a very unexpected way. I wish you hadn't gone through and turned every unmovable wall into an unmovable movable though!
I like this one :)
10 years ago
The trick here is all mrmonkey's, and it's brilliant. This originally stumped me for many tries before I found the solution. mrmonkey and I then improved the false paths together until we ended up with this. Probably my favorite ever Psychopath level.
10 years ago
15x15 One
70 tries! Great level.
10 years ago
Run Like Hell
Very ingenious, though there's not really any optimization.
10 years ago
Boxed Out
Great! 17 tries. Didn't think of that solution, was trying all sorts of other things.