10 years ago
Great design with huge number of options! Each part of the level subtly impacts nearby parts in a way I've never seen before, making it very difficult and fun to find the right path, let alone optimise it.
I've found 2 rather different solutions to this, which I really think lets the level down. Though both are different to the main Quadrants solution, so I don't understand VisD's comment at the moment.
10 years ago
Not gay at all! Several good tricks in here. 277 -> 269 -> 265 -> 263.
There's no trick - it's just repeatedly guessing until one order works.
15 years ago
You're right... that's the first time that's happened. Dammit! Level fixed now (hopefully)
15 years ago
Closet Space
Very nice level
16 years ago
Road of Death
31 tries. Turns out I was being too clever and the trick is simpler than what I was trying (though still pretty involved).
I quite like this level now :)
16 years ago
I could see 2 obvious ways to do it, and both worked in 32 moves... I prefer Keokuk tbh
16 years ago
Strange, my brother couldn't solve it after 15 minutes. Guess I need better testers hehe