Really great solution - I love the way the block manipulation feels so logical once you see it, and the level is beautifully simplistic as well. Awesome.
I was totally scared by the comments, however, glad me, I found it pretty fast. Not because I understood it but just, out of the routes I tried, one suddenly won, purely by luck. :D
I am not proud to admit, this gave me a very hard time. I was 2 off, since it came out. It was the only Bachelors level, that I just couldn't clear. So, for me, this is in more difficult range. Not saying that the difficulty system is not good, on the contrary, I think it is. This is just one of the RARE cases, when it does not apply to what I find difficult. :)
I think it's a great puzzle! So simple, but yet caused me much ''trouble''. :))
The fact that it has TWO solutions, does not bother me, in this case. Cause they are somehow ''symmetrical'' with eachother, meaning you either do it this way or thet way, but the way you do it, requires the same tactics, in both cases. :)