Funny how such an obvious level managed to get rated Bachelors; I suppose enough people must've accidentally added 2 moves in one of those pockets on the way back from a push (I almost did, but I caught it and undid it immediately)
It's not a GOOD puzzle, but in a perverse way, I had fun, and I did learn something important from the optimization part!
EDIT: It has come to my attention that the optimization I did saved exactly... 0 moves. That's fucked up, lmao.
Got it on first try. Fortunately straight and easy, thanks to just applying logic. Now that I have it behind me, only one question comes to my mind: Why?
When a level is hard, my brain swells, but this one was so hard, that my brain just fell out of my head, directly on my hand and then my wrist swelled. :))))