Good god, what a ridiculous route. Unbelievable that one could find something like this when the 73 exists as well.
This has been on my list of levels to solve for a very, very long time. I’m so happy I was finally able to see the way through.
Great level, but 2 off and out of idea to cut for now. Will come to it with fresh mind later.
** 10 months later **
My route for 73 was definitely optimized, with no cut possible. So I forced myself to find another way to go and the good thing with this level is, that there are only two different ways to start, so I knew it had to be the other one. First, I had to solve the puzzle with this new way. Then, once solved, I had to optimize, and suddenly: I won!
Such fun! :D
(13 years ago) Marvelous work!
Not even completely sure, how - in 55th try - I managed to get rid of those 2. ;) Have to try again ...
Bravo, Raszlo ! :)
EDIT, 2023, 24th June: I was badly stuck at my 73 path, for about a year. Today I found ANOTHER 73 path, completely different one. And I managed to optimize it to 71. Georgeous find, Manti!
Finally beat this after many months of trying. Getting the newly discovered 71 was incredibly difficult. Easily the hardest level I have beaten so far. I was probably why it was rated at Grandmaster briefly before it was demoted.
Bravo for the level design Raszlo and the amazing optimal route found almost two decades later.
I was lead here by a puzzle called "Black Hole" and its reviews.
I just demoted this to Professor. If not for that, this would've been my first Grandmaster!
Oh no guys there are like 8 solutions! going in very different directions!
Kidding :P But this is ridiculous. It's almost unbelievable that doing that is faster.
And much later, it is broken... Took me ages to find. What a record, manti!
55 tries over a couple of years, always 2 off. 2 tries today to cut the last two out of nowhere - I have no idea how that was even different? Great level, all the same.
Hmmm .... 2 VERY different routes - both 2 short .... GRRRR.
EDIT: Post Legend still works. I like it - I'm not exactly sure what I did, to get it to work but there are 2 possible paths that can both end up 2 short.