I don’t know what it is about moving tacos out of the way of other pushables, but that kind of logic always messes with me every single time. I just can’t wrap my head around how to do it efficiently. This took me so much longer than it needed to, but it’s a really interesting level for how simple it looks, and how many close routes there are.
Very cool logic for a level so compact. Not too bad to solve either - after a bit of inspection I fortunately managed to avoid any gotchas on my first go. Fun one to work through.
Very interesting level. The path ends up feeling ****************************************************************************** Probably not my favorite level of yours, but still enjoyable to puzzle out the solution.
Excellent solution - I love the techniques and observations that you need to find this one, it’s really a great idea.
Very cool level. Took me a moment to understand how the level unwinds to solve, but once I did the correct solve path was immediate. Very fun!
Very nice - short and simple, but a good little lesson on hole-filling.
Wow, there’s a surprising number of 2-offs here. I wouldn’t expect so many different ones from a level like this, but I guess there’s lots of different ways to make your way through the omnis this time. Very fun to work out though.
I straight up could not see the right path through the omnis for the first 5 minutes I looked at this level. Once I saw it, I found both 2-offs pretty quickly, and the solution not too long afterward. Very nice level. :)
Love this one - I just found one 4-off, but the actual solution is beautifully clever and pretty well-hidden. Great level.
Impressively tricky to untangle, and a shockingly well-made amalgam from three different people.
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