Lots of options here, but definitely a little bit messy construction-wise. Was fun to record-hunt here though.
Nice one - the two 2-offs I found were fun, and the solution was a little bit surprising. Neat level.
Cute level - I kinda wish *****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
Not a bad level - it becomes a little monotonous to repeat some parts of it a bunch over various attempts, but the solve and the optimization were both quite interesting. There’s a lot of nuance here, so overall it’s pretty fun.
The solution to this one felt quite intuitive to me. Not all that different from a lot of the others like this, but decent fun at least.
Neat level - I enjoyed the use of the restricted movables, and the path feels very minimalist. Fun to work out.
Not sure where the 2-off was that people got stuck on, but this was a nice level. Pretty fun solve path to work out.
Pretty neat level. Tough to untangle for me, but there was no optimization. Most of the difficulty felt like it was in the touch.
Very neat level - same as Drag0n, it made me think at the beginning that there weren’t enough blocks to even make it to the end. Once I saw how though, the solve ended up being very smooth. Great one!
Very nice solution - lots of intricacies and little ways to save moves. Fun to figure out.
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