Very cool level. For my first few attempts I wasn’t seeing anything closer than 20-off, but once I saw an alternate idea and what the level allowed you to do, the solve came pretty quickly. Really nice path here, good level.
Neat level. Didn’t feel like anything particularly groundbreaking, but it was fun to work out and the theming is quite well-done. Didn’t find the need for any optimization - my first touch was the solution.
Very cute level. I started 12-off, but found two 6-cuts and thus the solution. I was fortunate that *****************************************************************************************************************
Edit: wow, **************************************************************************************
Neat one. I wonder if there’s a false path I missed along the way - my first attempt was a 4-off, and my second was the solve. It just felt like the most intuitive thing to try. Glad I missed any more difficult optimization though. Cool puzzle though!
Neat level. The Fibo section isn’t large enough to allow for the kind of complexity encountered in the original level, but the optimization involved with the Fibo section when shoving is actually really neat. Cool.
Great level. I started 24-off, which told me ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* Really fun solve though, love the ideas in this one.