Very interesting solution here, and a really nice 2-off the other way. Fun level.
10 months ago
Cute level - saw the right idea at first, but still fell into a clever little 2-off. Nice trick.
Pretty fun - more so than the first speedrun level. This one feels more smooth to play through.
Fun level. Pretty straightforward ideas, but enjoyable to play.
Pretty forced, honestly. The only challenge here is making sure you do the left side in the correct order.
Nice level. I like the few little ideas here that save steps. Not hard to see, but good ones to remember.
Kinda cute level - it actually fooled me for a bit at first, though the correct path did feel much more logical.
Neat level and a good continuation of this theme. Surprisingly tricky solution to get down to 69, but very logical once you see it.
Cute level. Construction is a bit messy, though I do see the value in keeping to the theme of one-ways only. It's a nice introductory level in pushing blocks in the right order.
Very neat level, love the path on this. My first attempt was 24-off, and my attempt immediately after that was the solution. Seems there's no close misses here, you just either get it or don't.
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