Very pretty solution, this is a great puzzle. A couple places to lose 2 moves. One of them more obvious (which of course I took longer to figure out), but the other much more subtle. The final solution flows really smoothly. Awesome level.
Another really nice one. More similar to the first than the second; the way to even reach the end takes a little bit to discover, but once you do the cut is not as hard to see. Very nice idea though, very cool level.
What a beautiful 2-cut. This is a genius level, really really awesome. Love the way that works, especially given both of the 2-offs that one can find.
Very neat level. Solving it is rather counterintuitive at first, and once you work out what needs to go where there’s some finagling that must be done to get things in their places. But the solution is very nice and quite logical. I managed to avoid any 2-offs here, fortunately.
Very simple Brain as compared to the others. Pretty straightforward. Not a bad level, but there’s just not as much to it.
Neat level. I saw the right idea midway through my first attempt, but hadn’t sufficiently set up for it. Managed to figure out the right way through relatively soon after. Pretty cool.
Very nice level. Good red herring to make the beginning tricky, but once you see past that the rest of the level is pretty immediate. Good fun solving this one. Doesn’t feel super similar to most of the other Brian levels, but it’s certainly good in its own right.
Very slick 90 here by Reach. I like the symmetry and the aesthetic of this level, and the 2-cut to get the solution is really pretty. Fun one.
Very nice level. My first try was almost 30 off, but there were lots of logical simplifications I could do that allowed me to slowly work my way toward the solution. I really like the movement in here, quite satisfying to execute the final solution.
Very fun level. Some careful movement required to get to the end, and one choice that can cost you a lot of moves if you don’t see it. Other than that the level is relatively straightforward, but it’s a fun one. I like this kind of movement around blocks.
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