11 months ago
Neat - nothing very complex, but a funny idea and a relevant title. Cute level.
Nice one. Lots of close 55s, and a nice solution to get 53.
Very neat level, some super tight movement here. Fortunately had the right idea on my first go, but I can see how there's potentially some adjacent ideas that aren't quite as efficient.
This level is my kryptonite. I hate it so much but I can’t give it any less than this because of how damn clever it is, and how damn clever I’m not. 31 TRIES for a junior high. I’m just glad it’s over. Edit: I came back to this level again just now. Couldn't help but remember the solution, shows the effect it had on me. Still a very very clever level.
Not the most interesting level. It's a little cute, and actually took me a couple tries to finish, but there's not too much there.
11 months ago
Can’t find the 105 that apparently exists on the right side yet, but I intend to come back and try again. The 105 on the left is quite nice - for a while on my first go I couldn’t even see the way to the exit, but when I finally found it it was immediately the 105. Edit: I did eventually find the 105 on the right. That's a very subtle solution, really cool. Might have been a little nicer as two puzzles, or to have made the 105 impossible on the right.
11 months ago
Very simple, but a cool design. Impressive that so many steps can fit in such a small area.
Was at +2 for quite some time before I realized my rather silly mistake. Very fun level. Edit: tried again a month or two later. Still a very cool level, I like the solution here.
Neat level. Feels like there almost has to be something longer than this for 5x5, but it's a cool record.
Cute one. Wish there was a little more to it, but it's not bad as a beginner level.
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