Very cool level. Ended up 4-off at first. Undid a bit and redid what I had done, and found that I was no longer 4 off. Funny how levels work like that sometimes. It was quite challenging figuring out how everything needed to be moved in order to free things up, but very enjoyable to work through. Nice level.
Kinda fun level. It was at least pretty fun to execute, but it felt really forced except for the very end.
I really enjoyed this level. Fun to figure out the optimal way to move things around, and there’s some nice little optimizations to be had, and plenty of places to lose (or not lose) moves.
Not my favorite multi-target level. It’s alright, but it doesn’t seem like there’s too much aside from the optimal false path to the wrong target, and the true path to the other one. Wish there was a little more optimization, or something else to spice it up a bit.
Cool level. Somehow managed to get it on my first try, which is extremely unusual for me on levels that require some sort of pipelining. Nice logic though. Edit: actually, on second thought, I’m really not sure where the pipe even is. I’ve apparently found it but I don’t actually know what part of my solution it is. Oh well. We take those regardless.
Very fun level. It’s a little tricky figuring out the optimal way to move things around to solve it, but at the same time very manageable once you observe how things are restricted. Nice one.
Cute level. Managed to work my way down from 4-off to 2-off, and then to the solution. The final cut was less of a cut though, and more of just a slightly different way of organizing the blocks and moving around.
I was apparently struggling with this one some time ago, but I came back today and got it in about two tries. I like the block management here, the maneuvering in the final path is satisfying.
I’m not always a fan of levels like this were there’s a lot of goals to go to, but this one isn’t as bad because it’s immediately clear that many of them are unattainable. I do like the little trick at the end of this one, though. Very cute level.
Pretty fun. I like the logic on this one. It’s pretty apparent after inspection how you’re supposed to get to the goal, but there’s still some optimization to be done to get there quickly.
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