It didn’t take as long as I thought to spot the reachable exit, and then figuring out how to get there was just a matter of working backwards from it. Decent execution, but in general I’m not too big of a fan of levels like this.
Funky, started with a route that was way off, and couldn’t see how to improve it. Took a little bit of looking until I found the correct route. Very logical path, though.
Fun one, I like how you’ve set up the two sections to be similar, but subtlety different.
Wow, that's a really weird path. Nice find and break by David. I do like the original 61 too, if only it was optimal. :)
Cool path. Found the 2-off, and the cut to the optimal path was actually pretty quick from there. Nice level.
Cute logic. I do feel like all the unused blocks make the level feel a little bloated, but I guess finding the correct blocks to use is sort of part of the challenge. Not my favorite, but not bad.
Nice one - noticed there might be some trick in the beginning, so I was sure to optimize that before continuing. Good optimizations on this level.
Cute, I like the path here.
Pretty simple level, but not too bad. Good introductory lesson in doing things in the right order.
Really surprised I was able to get this so quickly - my initial solution was 6 off, and I saw a path that might take a couple more moves off. I tried it, and that ended up being the solution. I think I probably got lucky. This is a nice level, though. Feels very good to solve.
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