Ooh, this was a really funky one. Quite a neat solution here.
Surprisingly tricky, took me a couple of tries to find the correct way to push things out of the way.
Kind of a cute one, but nothing super special going on IMO.
Nice one. Took me a couple of 4-off tries before I ended up using the correct path. Does feel like it maybe could’ve been a bit shorter/smaller.
Very nice, I like that solution a lot.
Cute - I spotted the correct route (or at least the idea of it) pretty quickly, but ended up trying the 2-off variant first. Oh well. Nice level.
Finally took this one down. I couldn't see past a 63 for quite a while, and then I was stuck on 57 for a while after that. These levels just mess with my brain for some reason.
Lol, that's quite an amusing break.
Kinda cute idea, but I feel like you could've done a little more with it.
Surprisingly difficult to optimize, for an Elementary. Not too bad of a level, really.
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