a year ago
Another level, that could go to the ''more (text) instructions'' collection.
Good! I'd put this in a special Collection, as I've mentioned be4. The name of the collection could also be ''In case you need more instructions''.
a year ago
You win
Cute elementary level. :)
Together with text - great tutorial. It would be very nice, if we had a collection, for such levels (that have explanatory texts, along).
Good tutorial, for perfect beginners, IMO. Also looks good. :)
Another great ''beginner stuff'' showcase.
I think this is great for noob training. Perhaps it could go in a special Collection, titled: ''If you're having troubles, but don't want to just give up'' (or something simmilar). There would only be levels that have text explaining things, along - like this one (underling has quite a few of such levels, too, if I remember correctly).
For me the key was to understand from the first that one quite big part of the route shall not be "touched" if we want it to work. From there, I just had to find the route around that zone. I enjoyed it a lot. :)
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