One huuuuuundred aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand eeeeeeeiiiigggggghttttttty!!!!!!!!
2 tries, its nice how the level looks!
2 years ago
Evil Square
Do I have to complete a level to review it? I hate this level. It's not egregiously designed or anything, so I can't give it one star, but it is anti-fun.
I find that one interesting. Selecting target was easy but selecting the lane was another story. Two lanes "seem" impossible, resulting in a tendency to focus on the "easy" one. That's what happened to me until I forced myself to break through one of the "impossible". Glad I had detected the correct target from the first (thanks to configuration of blocks around it), otherwise, would have had double more work. Can be challenging. :)
2 years ago
Sweet one. :)) Had to try 3 times. :))
I just took a look at the difficulty of Trip to the Moon in FFR. I agree with you.
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