Not an easy pattern to get through. Wow, I liked it a lot! 22 tries (always 2 off, before that). :) Wow! Very good level, for my taste. 9 attempts to find the 2 off and next try, right into exit. :) Cute! :) Two tries for me, here. :) (''Obvious'' in the Easy world gave me much more trouble, hehheh, but I was a total beginner, back then.) Wow, I can't believe myself, how lucky I am - 1st try. Good level! :) For me, more troubles than Future - 3 tries here. :D Good short level! :) Wow, lucky me, again: 1st try. Cute ! :D Wow, I got lucky, solved it in 1st try. Still, a nice level! :) That was a little easy for 43 imo. Very nice use of optimization tricks. I like the path it forces, very unorthodox.