Simmilar to Diablillo's level (which I played first). That probably confused me a bit. Good version, though. :)
The block arrangement has at least maintained the symmetry. I still find this a fun one to find out the route.
Dear level creators: kindly stop making big levels that appear to be symmetrical, but aren't. I want to solve a puzzle, not get a microscope out to see which block is the one that's slightly different. That said, the path is pretty cool, but I can't enjoy this kind of level design.
2 years ago
I never found a 2 off. Very satisfied when i found the 98!
Nice level. But i expected more tricks.
2 years ago
Funnel Cloud
I find this level a nice one to prepare the mind of newbies to more complexity, requiring to "draw" the route based on what we see.
Very nice step savings!