Try and error here.
This level teaches us not to move too many blocks, amongst other things. And to think far in advance! Very well conceived, I enjoyed solving.
2 years ago
Liked that one, because it was quite straight to understand what's the key to the solution, from there knowing what to do. I like when I'm not trying blindly.
This is a great level, that had me for a while. Once 6 off, still needed a few more tries be4 I got it right. Interesting optimizations included ...
2 years ago
Really enjoyed this one, very logical solution.
6 years ago
This is actually a great level and unique in that you can solve it first try through pure analysis and thinking logically about what MUST be done to achieve 98.
Wondering where the magical 2-cut is... --- Edit 7 years later, finished at 360+ tries, this painful search of the 2-cut has finally ended, I am very happy :D. (hints in the forum is useful, but it still takes some luck in finding a different path.)
WOW, there are so many shortcuts in this level. Magnificent puzzle.
10 years ago
I really like this level. 159 tries. I was 2 off after about 30 attempts but couldn't make anymore progress. I came back to it after being driven to despair by crawling and got it almost straight away.
10 years ago
*Blinks* THAT was the solution? I now only have Psychophanous left.