A 4x6 grid shouldn't be that difficult.
11 years ago
Very good level, with lots of possibilities, and a structure that made me confused. :D I was 4 off and just couldn't come closer, for a loooong while. 79 tries, all together!
Truly fascinating level. At the core, it's perfectly logical and you know what in general you need to do to reach the optimal stepcount, but actually finding the series of moves that will give you clear paths at the right time is very difficult.
12 years ago
Looks simple, but it's not! :) In about 130 tries I came 2 off. Now, searching ...
14 years ago
The path is not very hard to ''sense'', but the optimization took me 90 tries. Was 4 off or 2 off, most of the time.
14 years ago
GREAT level ! I enjoyed looking for the path and later optimizing it ! 36 tries.
14 years ago
Nice little 2 off trick easy to miss :D
2 off, aaaargghghhhhhhhhh Needed 446 tries to beat this one!
14 years ago
Came back and played it again and beat it in 3 tries without remembering the path...sweet.
15 years ago
I still remember how I was the first to cut the movecount from 182 to 172... Too bad I didn't look further! Fun, complex, and the only master level I beat! lol