Wow, that is strange
Mostly straightforward, but putting the solution together is satisfying
Seems like a pretty straightforward, but good level.
5 tries. Not really seeing the 6 points; there's one trick (maybe two, depending on how you think about it), and everything else is quite filler, with several variants in different areas all leading to same counts. Edit: clear 3000 :) This is probably not a real GM but I will take it for now. Took me longer to see the 2-cut than it did the first time around so gave an extra star back.
a year ago
Really loved optimizing this one
(10 years ago) I was 4 off and couldn't find them. In the end the level's title helped me, a bit. :D Wonderful level! 50 tries, for me. EDIT 2023, 26th July: Here I go, turning it around, again. This time in 21st try. Tricky thing, right from beginning till the very end. :))
(13 years ago) Not very sure why that saved 2 moves ... Very good level ! Found some 4 offs and 2 offs and in 99th try solved it ! :) This is my second level solved in master Universe. ******************** EDIT 2023, 29th June: it took me 96 tries and a loooot of undoing, to re-beat this contruction. I've remembered only that it had given me much trouble, way back, haven't born even a small piece of solution in mind (but did remember some combinations that I had tried). After getting this feeling that I've exhausted every possibility without success, I suddenly had another idea, today. And that one needed optimizing, which took me some more (not so many) tries. So happy to have solved it. It is really very tricky, this one. So many options, 2 offs, 4 offs (and more offs). It still surprizes me, that the existing 119 solution is faster than some of my 2 offs, here. But that's the nature of the game. :))